Did you know that if these arrive at your house it is a SIGN that

The American Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana) is a large and common species. Here’s a brief overview: Characteristics Size: 3-5 cm in length Color: Reddish brown with a yellow pattern on the headLifespan: Up to 1 year or more, Habitat Preferred areas: Warm, humid places like kitchens, basements, and sewers Adaptability: Survives with minimal food and water,

Health risks: They carry bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli and can cause allergies and asthma.Food contamination: They can contaminate food and damage packaging.Material damage: They chew on paper, fabrics, and organic materials.BenefitsIn the wild, they help decompose organic matter and are studied for their adaptability.Hygiene: Keep areas clean.Seal entry points: Close cracks and holes.Professional help: Seek pest control for severe infestations.Cockroaches are a health risk, so it’s important to keep them out of the home.

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