Airline passenger shouts at check-in woman – then her 6-word response instantly knocks him down to size

“The customer is always right” doesn’t always hold true—especially when entitlement takes over.At LaGuardia Airport, a Southwest Airlines agent was rebooking passengers after a weather-related flight cancellation when an angry man shoved to the front, demanding a first-class seat. When she explained she had to assist others first, he loudly asked, “Do you have any idea who I am?”

Without missing a beat, she grabbed the microphone and announced, “We have a passenger at Gate 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help, please come forward.” The crowd erupted in laughter.Fuming, the man snapped, “Screw you!” Smiling, she replied, “You’ll have to get in line for that, too.”A perfect way to handle rudeness with humor and grace!

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